Blue yellow color blindness is quite uncommon, and the name itself taken as a description is actually quite misleading. People who are blue yellow color blind will confuse some shades of blue with green, and some shades of yellow with violet. Much like red green color blindness, those who are blue yellow color blind can be categorised in two ways. However, unlike red and green color blindness, blue yellow color blindness is not more prominent in males, as the gene that causes the S cones to be absent or defective is not found on the X chromosome, but rather chromosome 7.
Blue Yellow Color Blindness
- Tritanopia: the S-cones are missing or non-functional, resulting in blindness to the blue end of the spectrum.
- Tritanomaly: the s-cones are defective, operating below normal capacity to interfere with a person’s ability to see some shades of blue.

Whilst different sources present varying statistics, you can expect to find that only 0.01% of all humans may have this form of color blindness. Compared with red green color blindness, a higher portion of blue yellow color blind people actually come to be affected via non genetic mechanisms. The following sources of non congenital color blindness primarily present as blue yellow color blindness:
- Alcoholics present a higher incidence rate of tritanopia could be counted. Large quantities of alcohol resulted in poorer color discrimination in all spectra but with significantly more errors in the blue-yellow versus the red-green color range.
- Some organic solvents even at low concentrations may also impair color vision. Errors were measured mainly in the blue-yellow color spectrum.
- An injury through a hard hit to the front or back of your head may also cause blue-yellow color blindness.